Alexandra Steele Alexandra Steele was born and educated in Scotland. Prior to becoming a full-time painter, she was employed as a specialist art teacher for more than 25 years in Central Scotland schools. Her roots are from the North of Scotland, where she spent much of her childhood on her grandparent’s croft, developing a love of nature and the land.

Her main themes are inspired by these childhood experiences. Deserted beaches of remote islands and thatched cottages in Western Scotland. She is particularly drawn to the luminescent skies and seas of the West Coast where the colours and light inspire her seascape paintings.

From June to September she visits the Highlands and islands to sketch and take hundreds of reference photographs for her work. Her approach to painting has been influenced by Scottish Colourists, particularly Peploe and the French Impressionists. Her canvases are rich in texture, using only a palette knife to create multiple layers of paint like a strata.

Alexandra lives in Stirlingshire where her studio looks out onto a large garden filled with flowers, herbs and fruit trees. Here she gathers flowers to paint her still life canvases.

She considers herself a very fortunate person spending her time at what she loves most.


scottish painter • scottish artist